Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Red Tailed... Squirrel??

Well, this is a new one for me.  We have a LOT of Gray Squirrels around here.  Once had one with white patches.  Whether it was pinto-spotted or white from injuries, I don't know. 

But this clairol-touched fella isn't like anything I've seen before!!

Sorry about the cut-off nose, but I include this picture to show the extent of the red coloration.

I found some google references to melanistic (black) Grey Squirrels having red tails, but couldn't find any pictures, nor any reference to a normal grey-phase having a red tail.



  1. Nic,

    That is a very unusual looking squirrel, I don't believe I have ever seen one sporting a different colored tail than the color of the main body. It sure is cute!

  2. Yes, s/he sure is cute! Have seen it a couple of times since then, will be interesting to see if it sticks around!

  3. Nicole, I hope it sticks around for you! I've thought about this squirrel since first seeing it posted here and wondered if it might not be a cross between a Gray & Red Squirrel.

  4. hi Mia, I have no idea! I wondered the same thing, but wouldn't have expected the color genes to sort themselves out that way (though I guess I have no reason to think that), but the Grey and the Red Squirrels sure don't tolerate each other well around here! I think I'll try another google search...

