Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Brief December Trip

Hadn't taken a trip in months, and Christmas offers the perfect excuse - visiting!  So it was that we left Winnipeg on the 27th.  Had wanted to leave Boxing Day, but the snow was a bit scary, especially when the plan is to travel rarely-used roads in a 19-year old car!  Our first day was for driving and visiting, no birding officially done, although we did see a Snowy Owl and a Black-Billed Magpie while coasting down the Trans-Canada!

We headed down to the Souris area for our birding.  I was hoping for Snow Buntings!  Alas, no such luck.  There were two flocks of small birds that we saw from too far a distance that could have been such, but no good enough looks.  We did get some good views of a flock of Starlings at the Souris dump, but it wasn't quite the same!

We tried to turn this into a Fox Squirrel, but I'm thinking it's a Gray...

At one of the marshes in the area, we could see a bird hanging out on top of a duck nest.  Tried to get closer, and the bird apparently scooted inside!  Much too far to make out any detail.  Darn it!


We made up for our bad luck with two other Snowy Owls:  One far away,

And one not so far away!

We also had a bonus Red Fox.

All in all a nice trip, it's always good to get out of the city!

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